13 Extraordinary Spiritual story books for children by Ramakrishna Mission

(Age group: Upto 10 years)

Ramakrishna Mission children books

Summary: In this article, you will get to know about some really good spiritual books for children published by ‘Ramakrishna Mission’. Ramakrishna Mission was founded by Swami Vivekananda in the name of his Guru, Sri Ramakrishna. Yoganandaji respected both these great saints and He even referred to Sri Ramakrishna as ‘Christlike sage’ in his Autobiography.

The following books consist of deeply moving stories told by these two great saints and also stories on their lives. The best part is that most of these books are written by monks. Many of these stories are from ancient Hindu scriptures and are same as the ones told by Yoganandaji in his writings. Most of the stories focus on qualities like selflessness, service, sacrifice, devotion, delusion (maya), courage, and so on.

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Table of Contents

  1. About Ramakrishna Mission
  2. The top recommended books
    1. Tales from Ramakrishna
    2. Tales from Vivekananda
    3. Stories for Children by Swami Vivekananda
    4. The Story of Swami Vivekananda
    5. The Story of Ramakrishna
    6. Jai Hanuman – Pictorial
    7. Hari The Lion
    8. Sri Ramakrishna Tells Stories
    9. Swami Vivekananda’s Childhood
    10. Inspiring Stories from the Holy Trio
    11. Vivekananda’s Stories for Children
    12. Stories of Divine Children
    13. Pictorial Ramayana
  3. A Few more

About Ramakrishna Mission

Sri Ramakrishna

Ramakrishna Mission is named after Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa. Sri Ramakrishna was the Guru of the illustrious Swami Vivekananda and is himself a well known saint of India. Yoganandaji had a great respect for him and often visited his Kali temple in Dakshineswar as a child. Yoganandaji has referred to him in autobiography as a “Christlike sage”.

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The Kali temple, that is talked about in Ch. 22 of the Autobiography (“The Heart of a Stone Image”) is the same Kali temple which became well known because Sri Ramakrishna spent most of his life there.

Yogananda talks about his visit to the Kali temple in his Autobiography:

The world receded as I became devotionally entranced. My mind was concentrated on Goddess Kali, whose image at Dakshineswar had been the special object of adoration by the great master, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. In answer to his anguished demands, the stone image of this very temple had often taken a living form and conversed with him.

“Silent Mother with stony heart,” I prayed, “Thou becamest filled with life at the request of Thy beloved devotee Ramakrishna; why dost Thou not also heed the wails of this yearning son of Thine?”

Master Mahasaya of Chapter 9 of ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. From the Autobiography:

Master Mahasaya
Master Mahasaya
Disciple of Sri Ramakrishna

[Master Mahasaya said:] “Let us go tomorrow to the Dakshineswar Temple, forever hallowed by my guru.” Master Mahasaya was a disciple of a Christlike master, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa.

Swami Vivekananda
1863 - 1902
Disciple of Sri Ramakrishna

Swami Vivekananda was the chief disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna Mission was founded by Swami Vivekananda in His Guru’s name. Swami Vivekananda, is a very well known name in India. Many monks of SRF YSS have read books by Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Daya mata once recommended a book by Vivekananda (titled “Karma Yoga”) to Swami Krishnanandaji of YSS. Both Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna were a great inspiration to Swami Shyamanandaji and Swami Ishwaranandaji of YSS.

A booklet published by YSS on Sri Yukteswar says:

Among his [Sri Yukteswar's] friends were Swami Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda and other direct disciples of the saint Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, who were about Priyanath’s [Sri Yukteswar’s] age.

In the last chapter of ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, Swami Vivekananda’s meeting with Mr. Dickinson, a disciple of Yogananda, is described. In words of Mr. Dickinson:

‘No, my son, I am not your guru.’ Vivekananda gazed with his beautiful, piercing eyes deep into my own. ‘Your teacher will come later. He will give you a silver cup.’ After a little pause, he added, smiling, ‘He will pour out to you more blessings than you are now able to hold.’

That “teacher” whom Mr. Dickinson met later was Paramahansa Yogananda

All the following children books are large paperbacks with beautiful illustrations, and according to the official website, they are suitable for children up to 10 years old. But most likely older children will also enjoy them.

They can be ordered from Ramakrishna Mission’s bookstores in different countries:

Indian Store
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Australian Store
To find any of the books in any other country just “Google it”.

Amazon also has many of these books but they generally charge more than the above stores.

Tales from Ramakrishna


Tales from Ramakrishna

A beautifully illustrated book that consists of simple and interesting stories told by Sri Ramakrishna to stimulate the young minds morally and spiritually.

It contains some timeless stories, including 'The Snake that did not hiss' and 'The story of Gopala', that have appeared in Yogananda's writings and SRF YSS magazines.

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Tales from Vivekananda


Tales from Vivekananda

This is an adaptation of a few stories narrated by Swami Vivekananda to his audiences.

These stories introduce children to deep spiritual topics like selflessness, cosmic delusion (maya), and desires.

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Stories for Children by Swami Vivekananda


Stories for Children by Swami Vivekananda

Four lovely stories told by Swami Vivekananda have been presented for children in a style that is both highly entertaining and spiritually elevating.

It consists of deeply touching stories on self-sacrifice, selflessness, patience and on the great ancient devotee ‘Prahlad’.

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Recommended article
Book: "The Golden Rule" by Ilene Cooper
This book teaches children a spiritual principle that is well known as Golden Rule: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

The Story of Swami Vivekananda


The Story of Swami Vivekananda

There are many books on Vivekananda’s life which are for children but this one seems to be the best of all. Vivekananda used to say, ‘Life inspires life’. Just like Yogananda’s life has inspired many, Vivekananda’s life story of courage, discrimination, meditation, and devotion, has also inspired many to lead better lives.

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The Story of Ramakrishna


The Story of Ramakrishna

There are many books on Sri Ramakrishna’s life too but this one seems to be the best of all.
His life of extreme devotion to Divine Mother (Ma Kali), his visions of Lord Rama, Lord Jesus, and other great masters, makes his life story enthralling for both children and adults.
The life of Sri Ramakrishna has been narrated in the pages of this book along with a series of visually enthralling pictures perfectly suited to make the minds of the children drink in and easily assimilate the nectar of wisdom flowing therefrom.

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Jai Hanuman – Pictorial


Jai Hanuman – Pictorial

This book on Sri Hanuman narrates his courageous exploits, his dedicated service to Sri Rama and zeal in chanting of Rama nama incessantly. A special feature of this book is the extensive coverage of Sundarakandam, an important portion of Ramayana. This book illustrated with many pictures and drawings on Hanuman attracts millennial kids and young readers.

This book is more appropriate for Indians than non-Indians because of its strong connection with Indian mythology.

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Hari The Lion


Hari The Lion

This is a more elaborated version of the story which Yoganandaji related. There is a Lion who was brought up among sheep and started thinking itself as a sheep until the day he met a ‘true’ Lion who woke him up.

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Sri Ramakrishna Tells Stories


Sri Ramakrishna Tells Stories

It contains stories which Sri Ramakrishna used to tell his devotees. Like the books shared above, this one too consists of some really good ones including some which are in Yogananda’s writings.

God resides in everyone
Frog in The Well
How God was fed
By Rama’s Will
God Everywhere
True Devotion
Seek Wisely
Knowledge That Saves
Stop Not Till The Goal Is Reached
The Lion That Discovered Itself
The Blind Children And The Elephant
The False Turns True

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Swami Vivekananda’s Childhood


Swami Vivekananda’s Childhood

Swami Vivekananda, because of his courage, selflessness, love for his fellow beings, thirst for knowledge, and other noble qualities is a wonderful role model for children even long after they have grown up.

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Inspiring Stories from the Holy Trio


Inspiring Stories from the Holy Trio

The book includes incidents from the life of three important incidents from Swami Vivekananda’s life, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi (wife of Sri Ramakrishna), three stories from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and eight others from the life of Sri Ramakrishna. All the 15 stories/incidents are illustrated with nice colour pictorials.

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Recommended article
Story Book: "Wisdom’s Blossoms – Tales of the Saints of India"
Written by 2 devoted SRF YSS members, this book consists of 26 stories from the lives of Indian saints, one on each of the 26 Divine Qualities as listed in the Bhagavad Gita.

Vivekananda’s Stories for Children


Vivekananda's Stories for Children

This book is a collection of ten wonderful stories told by Swami Vivekananda, in a simple language with colourful illustrations for children.

The stories focus on selflessness, sacrifice and true nature of the soul. It contains some timeless stories that appear in Yogananda’s writings also.

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Stories of Divine Children


Stories of Divine Children

The book tells stories of following great children and youth from Indian mythology:

  1. Vamana
  2. Nachiketa
  3. Satyakama Jabala
  4. Shuka Deva
  5. Dhruva
  6. Markanddeya
  7. Eklavya
  8. Prahalada

This book is more appropriate for Indians than non-Indians because of its strong connection with Indian mythology.

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Pictorial Ramayana


Pictorial Ramayana

The story of Indian’s classic mythology is retold here for children with many rich colour drawings. A delightful story to read to young children and kids.
Yoganandaji said: ‘In Mother’s presence we tasted our earliest bitter-sweet acquaintance with the scriptures. Tales from the Mahabharata and Ramayana were resourcefully summoned to meet the exigencies of discipline. Instruction and chastisement went hand in hand.’

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A Few more

Here are a few more children books which were found to be less interesting compared to the above ones (perhaps because of fewer pictures) but are not bad either. Here are these: