Give "How to live" education

It isn’t academic education alone that makes people happy. It is “how-to-live” education—how to develop a harmonious, moral life, stronger will power, and spiritual understanding—that will bring happiness.
From the book: “The Divine Romance”
Self-Realization [Yogoda Satsanga] is a philosophy of living: right meditation, right thinking, and right living. Bring up your children in this philosophy. Don’t pamper them, or teach them by wrong example to cater to their bodies and harmful desires, give them good training. Why enslave them in delusion? Give them true freedom by keeping their lives simple and cultivating in them inner peace and happiness. Do the same with your own life.
From the book: “The Divine Romance”
The proper training of children begins in the home. The schools have “gone to pot,” so to speak. But the deteriorating environment there is not entirely the fault of the schools. We must lay the blame where it belongs — lack of right education in the home.
From the Booklet: “The Skilled Profession of Child-Rearing”
The present trend of permissiveness needs to be turned around, and one way is to provide proper training in the formative years. Children should be taught right moral attitudes and right behavior not only through words, but example as well. Lack of such guidance is a major factor in the tragic breakdown of moral standards and behavior in this country, which has done more than anything else to destroy the family unit. And what has that brought forth? Emotionally crippled children. And emotionally crippled children generally become emotionally crippled adults, who have developed a feeling of rejection, which leads to bitterness toward society as a whole. They feel that the world has not given them their just due.
From the Booklet: “The Skilled Profession of Child-Rearing”
Ever strive to establish the divine consciousness in your children by teaching them to meditate, that they be not tempted to play with the fire of delusive counterfeit joys.
From the book: “Man’s Eternal Quest”
The very fabric of your family life is being destroyed because of the lack of moral and spiritual education at home as well as in the schools. You must do your part to teach your children to resist evil… When I was a child in India, we were given strict moral and spiritual culture at home.
From the book: “The Divine Romance”
Our saints in India say that children should be started on the path of religion, the path of yoga, from the age of three, because habits begin to form then.
From the book: “The Divine Romance”
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