Tell Spiritual Stories

In Mother’s presence we tasted our earliest bitter-sweet acquaintance with the scriptures. Tales from the Mahabharata and Ramayana were resourcefully summoned to meet the exigencies of discipline. Instruction and chastisement went hand in hand.
From “Autobiography of a Yogi”, Chapter 1
An excellent practice is to read or tell children stories that will develop in them a sense of morality, faith, right behavior, and love for God. This is the ideal of India. There the earliest instructions that reach the sensitive and receptive ears of the children, are the noble and inspiring stories of the scriptures.
From the Booklet: “The Skilled Profession of Child-Rearing”
For storytelling time, there are numerous books that contain entertaining yet instructive and spiritually inspiring stories. The Bible or the epic scriptures of India are good sources, although the language used should be within the child’s comprehension level. I once gave an Easter service for Sunday School children on “Jesus the Winner.” From that viewpoint, he became very much of a hero to which they could relate. “Mejda” which recounts incidents from the childhood of our own guru, Paramahansaji, is another excellent source of inspiring stories, as is Autobiography of a Yogi—although, again, convey it in language that the child will understand.
From a SRF YSS magazine article: “Effective Parenting: Spiritual Approach”
So teach your children and your grandchildren. Tell them the stories of the prophets. Relate to them the words from the scriptures, and then bring in the Guru’s words - explain to them in simple terms the profound teachings from his Gita commentaries. Make the stories come alive for them.
Children forget many things, but if you make those stories come alive, they will not forget them. You will have planted those spiritual truths like seeds, and those deeper truths will remain with them until they are ready to sprout into that personal intimate relationship with God and Guru, and ultimately into Self-realization.From devotee notes of the lecture: “Expanding Your Convocation Experience”
Story Books Recommended by ‘Yogananda Parenting’
Two Frogs in Trouble: Based on a Fable Told by Paramahansa Yogananda

A frog trapped in a pail of milk keeps going until he churns the milk to butter, and so survives, even though his companion loses hope and gives up.
The engaging story is sure to amuse young readers while illustrating a valuable lesson that courage and perseverance can win out even in the most daunting of circumstances.
Buying options: The book is available on Amazon, YSS store, SRF store and in most SRF YSS centers around the world.
Wisdom’s Blossoms – Tales of the Saints of India

An incredible storybook for children and the parents. It consists of 26 stories from the lives of Indian saints, one on each of the 26 Divine Qualities of Chapter 16 of The Bhagavad Gita. It is written by 2 devoted SRF YSS members, one of whom is from India and the other from US.
Buying options: Find here
"The Golden Rule" by Ilene Cooper

It is a really good book that will help in teaching morality and right behavior to children. It teaches what is well known as Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Buying options: Find on Amazon
Tales from Ramakrishna

Published by Ramakrishna Mission, it’s a beautifully illustrated book that contains some timeless stories, including ‘The Snake that did not hiss’ and ‘The story of Gopala’, that have appeared in Yogananda’s writings and SRF YSS magazines.
Buying options: Buy it online from an Indian store, US store or from Amazon (if available). Try finding a store in your own country.
Tales from Vivekananda

Published by Ramakrishna mission, this is an adaptation of a few stories narrated by Swami Vivekananda to his audiences. They introduce children to deep spiritual topics like selflessness, cosmic delusion (maya), and desires.
Buying options: Buy it online from an Indian store, US store or from Amazon (if available). Try finding a store in your own country.
Stories for Children by Swami Vivekananda

Published by Ramakrishna mission, it consists of deeply touching stories told by Swami Vivekananda on self-sacrifice, selflessness, patience and on the great ancient devotee ‘Prahlad’.
Buying options: Buy it online from an Indian store , US store or from Amazon (if available). Try finding a store in your own country.
Pictorial Ramayana

Published by Ramakrishna mission, the story of Indian’s classic mythology is retold here for children with many rich colour drawings. A delightful story to read to young children and kids.
Buying options: Buy it online from an Indian store, US store or from Amazon (if available). Try finding a store in your own country.
Selected Parenting Tips
Teach Meditation to your Child Loving Discipline Loving Communication “How to live” education Don’t force Spirituality on kids Spiritual Stories Spiritual Activities SRF YSS Parenting Literature